Nagpur varsity witnesses low pass pc in engineering course

Updated on: Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The Nagpur University has recorded its lowest ever passing percentage in Bachelor of Engineering (BE) first year results in the recent times.

This year the pass percentage has touched an all time low of 35.47 during the academic session of 2010-11. A glance during last five years pass percentage is not much encouraging.
In 2006-07 it was 54.31, in 2007-08-53.71, 2008-0954.38, 2009-10 38.85 and year 2010-11 35.47 per cent.
It, however exposes distinct failure of Maharashtra government's education policy of blindly granting colleges without taking into consideration requirement of students and availability of lecturers.
Ironically, a majority of these colleges belonged to ministers and politicians but they lack required infrastructure and facilities as recommended by AICTE.
Only reputed colleges like Ramdeobaba and Palloti had better success ratio and even Government College in Chandrapur had poor passing percentage of 38.60, sources close to Nagpur University said.
Academicians attributed this trend to mushrooming of colleges and severe shortage qualified lectures which led to deterioration of quality of education. The situation is more or less similar in other universities as well, but NU's case is worst.
A total of 19,865 students appeared for the BE first year exam held in March-April of which only 7,047 managed to clear it. The passing percentage comes out to be poor 35 per cent which is three per cent less than last year. However, as compared to 2009, the results witnessed a sharp drop of 18 per cent.

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