Education News in India 2011 : Page 431

  • Happy times ahead for job-seekers 18/Jan/2011
  • Reflecting the positive sentiment among recruiters, an eight per cent rise has been seen in hiring in the city in December 2010 compared to November 10, according to, a recruitment platform. Traditionally, December witnesses a dip in hiring owing to the end of year holiday season but this year ..
  • Study at Maastricht varsity is a stimulating experience 18/Jan/2011
  • Holland is not a very common place for Indian students to go and study. In fact, people would have not even heard about Maastricht! However, I consider myself fortunate to have been able to come and explore an entirely different and unique place in the world. Maastricht is one of the oldest cities of the ..
  • It's special, research-oriented 18/Jan/2011
  • The first batch of the four-year Bachelor of Science (B.S.) integrated programme, first-of-its-kind among the universities in the country, started by the Bangalore University from the academic year 2010-11, had many surprise takers. Of the 17 students admitted to the course, some have joined after ..
  • Evaluation goes digital 18/Jan/2011
  • Visvesvaraya Technological University (VTU), the only technological university in Karnataka and one of the biggest in India, is all set to achieve another major milestone soon when it will virtually revolutionise the “evaluation system” by introducing “Digital Evaluation System” (DES) for all ..
  • A smooth CAT 18/Jan/2011
  • The IIMs heaved a sigh of relief when CAT (Common Admission Test) 2010, the second computer-based exam held over a 20-day testing window in October-November last year, went off smoothly. Everything was in place: back-ups, fire-fighting mechanisms in case of those infamous “technical glitches” (like in 2009) ..
  • Govt to establish excellence centres for science and technology 17/Jan/2011
  • The government is planning to establish 50 centres of excellence in front line fields of science and technology in the next six years, an official from the Human Resource and Development Ministry said. The official said that these emerging areas of science are currently being taught at very few ..
  • Dental Council asks 172 errant institutes to follow norms or face ban 17/Jan/2011
  • Sending out a stern message to colleges lax on curbing ragging on campuses, the Dental Council of India (DCI) has warned 172 colleges across the country to comply with anti-ragging regulations or face admission ban. Colleges that don’t fall in line by January 19, admissions of undergraduate and postgraduate ..
  • State to put up school fee legislation on net 18/Jan/2011
  • The Maharashtra government will soon put up its proposed legislation on fees in aided and private schools on its website to elicit the views of citizens. The move follows the states decision last month to regulate the fee structure to prevent growing commercialization of education and profiteering by institutions. ..
  • School denies admission to non-Bohra students 18/Jan/2011
  • Suzanne Mathias (name changed) canceled her daughters admission from a convent school and admitted her to another. "The method of teaching at this school has always been appreciated by parents of students", she said. Mathias, though, got the shock of her life when the school put up a notice on the premises ..
  • More children in school, but poor quality of education- Report 18/Jan/2011
  • Though more rural children were annexed to schools in 2010, but the education quality provided to them remained below par that the percentage of Class 1 children able to recognize numbers 1-9 has decreased, a study disclosed. The Annual Status of Education Report (ASER) 2010 which was released here ..

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