Education News in India 2011 : Page 159

  • Kashmir students on Mumbai visit as part of Operation Sadbhavana 9/Sep/2011
  • A group of 20 students and two teachers from Kashmir visited Mumbai as part of the Army's 'Operation Sadbhavana'.   The programme was conducted by Basantar Air Defence Regiment under the aegis of Chinar Air Defence Brigade.        "The children were ..
  • Students' demonstrate against Private varsity Bill 9/Sep/2011
  • Opposing the Private Universities Bill, which was recently passed by the Maharashtra Legislature, students' organisations held protests accusing the state government of "commercialising" education. The Students Federation of India (SFI) and Democratic Youth Federation of India (DYFI) held ..
  • Country on right track to achieve cent per cent literacy: Prez 9/Sep/2011
  • Noting that the country was on the "right track" to achieve cent per cent literacy, President Pratibha Patil batted for women's education as it was a "force multiplier" in achieving socio-economic development. "Literate women will be self-reliant and beneficial impact on society ..
  • Break barriers of impossibilities: Kalam to students 9/Sep/2011
  • Former President A P J Abdul Kalam asked students to leave the beaten track and undertake tasks that are believed to be impossible. "One can become unique by leaving the beaten track and doing the impossible. Students must strive to become unique," he said at the golden jubilee celebrations of M ..
  • Disease the biggest factor in determining IQ 8/Sep/2011
  • Stay healthy to stay smart, says a new study which has found that disease -- and not education -- is the biggest factor in determining how clever one is. Researchers from the University of New Mexico analysed IQs of people across the US and concluded that exposure to infectious diseases had a huge effect ..
  • VSS Medical College closed sine die following clash 8/Sep/2011
  • VSS Medical College at Burla was closed indefinitely by the Orissa government following a clash between agitating students and local residents that led to imposition of prohibitory orders in and around the campus.   The college has been closed sine die with immediate effect and all students have been ..
  • Haryana launches milk parlour scheme for aspiring entrepreneurs 8/Sep/2011
  • Aimed at generating more self- employment opportunities in the State, the Haryana government has introduced a unique milk parlour scheme that will carry 50 per cent grant subject to a ceiling.     The scheme, to be initiated by state Animal Husbandry and Dairying Department, is aimed at ..
  • Maharashtra govt hikes wages of teaching assistants, gram sevaks 8/Sep/2011
  • Maharashtra Government decided to hike the wages of Shikshan Sevaks (teaching assistants) in the state substantially while changing their current designation to Assistant Teachers (Apprentice).   The salaries of shikshan sevaks working in primary schools have been enhanced from Rs 3000 to Rs 6000, ..
  • Vasantrao Naik medical college students not getting stipend 8/Sep/2011
  • Students pursuing the Diploma of National Board (DNB) and College of Physicians and Surgeons (CPS) courses from the Vasantrao Naik Government Medical College here have not received their stipend for the last two months.     Confirming the development, Dean of the Medical College Dr Anant ..
  • UNESCO award winners share insight on role of education 8/Sep/2011
  • "Peace is a very fragile commodity, it can easily be shattered by an empty stomach."   This was stated by a UNESCO International Literacy Prizes 2011 winner from Philippines here on the eve of International Literacy Day.   Projects in Burandi, Mexico, the Democratic ..

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