Education News in India 2009 : Page 2

  • UPSC aspirants in dilemma over exam pattern 25/Dec/2009
  • Hyderabad: Thousands of aspirants preparing for the UPSC Civil Services examination are in a quandary as confusion prevails over the pattern of examination. A statement by the UPSC Chairman about a month ago indicating that the pattern would be changed, putting in place a new model based on common papers ..
  • Human rights courses to be soon for policemen 31/Dec/2009
  • New Delhi: Courses on human rights will soon be available for policemen across the country through distance learning with the NHRC and IGNOU signing an MoU in this regard today. 'The National Human Rights Commission and the Indira Gandhi National Open University today signed a Memorandum of Understanding ..
  • Medical degree in 3.5 years for rural doctors 30/Dec/2009
  • The hinterland, where few doctors want to serve, could soon have a dedicated corps of medical practitioners drawn from among students raised in rural areas. After incentives failed to lure doctors to practise in remote areas, the health ministry is finalising the novel scheme along with MCI to start 3-1/2 year degree ..
  • Diamond technical education in Surat 30/Dec/2009
  • Surat: The Gemological Institute of America (GIA), the world's foremost authority in gemology, has decided to work with Surat Diamond Association (SDA) and Southern Gujarat Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SGCCI) to promote greater gemological education in the world's biggest diamond cutting and polishing centre in ..
  • CBSE mulls ability test for class 10 30/Dec/2009
  • Union HRD minister Kapil Sibal's move to make class 10 examinations optional could result in the Central Board for Secondary Education (CBSE) conducting another ability test, to measure the competency of students to choose the study subjects for class 11. At the CBSE Board meeting held last week, members ..
  • Graduation success for Indian student 30/Dec/2009
  • Kolkata: A final-year student from Swinburne University of Technolgy, Australia has designed a vehicle to give Indians with disabilities the opportunity to run their own businesses.   The vehicle, engineered by product design student Rachit Vora, is a wheelchair driven by a manual lever with built-in ..
  • Centres to enhance employability skills 30/Dec/2009
  • Kolkata: Centum Learning Limited, a Bharti associate, is further expanding its footprints in India by setting up learning centres and mini campuses to enhance employability skills of youth in the country.   Currently there are 126 Centum Learning Centers across the country which ..
  • Medical degree in 3.5 years for rural doctors 30/Dec/2009
  • Medical Council of India is planning a shorter medical degree for rural students who would exclusively serve rural India. The hinterland, where few doctors want to serve, could soon have a dedicated corps of medical practitioners drawn from among students raised in rural areas. After incentives failed to lure ..
  • Coal India to provide scholarship to meritorious students 30/Dec/2009
  • Coal India Limited (CIL) will provide 'special' scholarship to 100 meritorious students from the below poverty line and offer them jobs as management trainee later in the company. Another 25 scholarships will be offered to those whose land were acquired by the CIL and left with no source of income. ..
  • NITC students get excellent offers 30/Dec/2009
  • National Institute of Technology Calicut (NITC) recorded its highest salary for placement this year. recruited two of its computer science students offering an annual pay of Rs.16 lakh.  'This is the highest for a student to get in the history of NITC,' said Prof. T.K. Suresh Babu, Head of the Department ..

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