Education News in India

  • Need for Education counsellors 3/Sep/2013
  • It is the order of the day that a teacher should be a counselor besides his teaching abilities also.  It is obvious that there is a deficiency in the areas of counseling in areas. The union Human Resources Councils for Educational Research and Training (SCERT) to make out a programme to train minimum at least two ..
  • What happens to new courses at state colleges? 3/Sep/2013
  • It was announced by the state Government of Tamil Nadu. In April, that 398 new courses in the existing government colleges. But  there is no sign in the college for the introduction of any course now.  It was planned to introduce these courses for about 50 colleges.  The courses include, visual ..
  • No Education for 22 lacs children 3/Sep/2013
  •  No Education for 22 lacs childrenMinister of state for Human Resource Development. Shashi Tharoor said that about 22 lac children in the country are not having even elementary education and headed that the responsibility to educate them.  These children include tribal children, children of migrant workers and ..
  • Government to use own vehicle for transporting examination scripts 3/Sep/2013
  •  Government to use own vehicles for transporting examination scripts Instead of using the transportation facilities of postal and Railways Departments to transport X and XII Examination answer scripts. The directorate of Government Examination of State Government of Tamil Nadu proposed to ..
  • National conference at Veterinary University 3/Sep/2013
  • Veterinary University conducted a National conference on the topic, “Current Nutritional concepts for productively enhancement in live stock and poultry”. This conference was conducted after 16 years. The vice chancellor of TANUAS explained about the efforts made by the University for Various Creature Works. ..
  • A chair for Tamil Language in Oxford 3/Sep/2013
  • It is evident there are chairs for Sanskrit and Hindi in Oxford University.  In the same way, the professors of Oxford stated that they are anxious to form a chair for Tamil also. Mr. Vijayaragavan, the director of Tamil Research h Institution in Chennai, Participated the World Tamil ..
  • No change in Exam system in Tamil Nadu 3/Sep/2013
  •  No change in Exam system in Tamil Nadu Education secretary of Tamil Nadu declared that there will be no changes in the system of Examinations for school this year.  In Tamil Nadu XII exams will commence on March I week and ends in last week.  The X exams will begin in March last ..
  • Ayurvedha lectures through video 3/Sep/2013
  •  Ayurvedha lectures through video National programme on Technology Enhanced Learning (NPEL) decides to organize short video film on a lecture on Ayurvedha given by a Cardiac surgeon to a class of engineering students. NPEL, is an initiative taken by IIT’s and IISC to provide e- ..
  • New Delhi schools - to have clean Toilets 3/Sep/2013
  • A detailed survey to identify the availability of basic facilities like drinking water facilities and separate toilets for boys and girls in schools.  This was recommended by a parliamentary panel.  The parliamentary committee on Empowerment of Women shown its displeasure in the miserable condition of toilets ..
  • Election of Office bearers in US Engineering body 30/Aug/2013
  •  Election of office bearers in US Engineering body An Indian America Mr. Sockalingam Sam Kannappan was elected as secretary and Treasurer (South Zone) of the National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying (NCEES) Mr. Kannappan belongs to ..

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