Education News in India

  • Aptitude test, Class XII marks for UG admissions 30/Sep/2010
  • A meeting of Vice-Chancellors of Central Universities on Wednesday approved in principle to base admission to undergraduate courses on a combination of marks obtained in class XII examination and marks obtained in a national-level aptitude test. The meeting also unanimously decided that the universities ..
  • Gear up for CAT 29/Sep/2010
  • The CAT exam is nearing. Here are some answers to the common doubts that arise in the mind of aspirants as the preparation for the exam heats up. How many tests should I take in the last month? Taking about five to six tests in the last 30 days is recommended. But more important than taking ..
  • English medium sections planned 29/Sep/2010
  • The Corporation will start English medium sections in 40 of its schools from October this year. The Corporation Council on Tuesday passed a resolution approving English medium sections in 23 Chennai Primary Schools and 17 Chennai Middle Schools. The decision has been taken in order to increase the number ..
  • IIT- M's, Shaastra gets underway on Sept 29 29/Sep/2010
  • Shaastra, the annual technical festival of IIT Madras, is getting bigger each year with over sixty events, 10,000 registrations, more than 12 million hits on the website and cash prizes of Rs 15 lakh. Begining on Wednesday, the 12th edition of the five-day festival will feature 14 exhibits showcasing the ..
  • Unlicensed software reason for CAT 2009 glitches 29/Sep/2010
  • Unlicensed software, technical problems and no diesel for generators at test centres were the major reasons for glitches, which plagued the first, computerised Common Admission Test last year. These are the major findings of an investigation launched by Prometric, which conducted the test that screens ..
  • Amendments on H1B and L1 visas blocked 29/Sep/2010
  • Two amendments moved by a US Senator on restricted hiring of foreign workers and another aimed at preventing fraud and abuse of H-1B and L1 visa could not pass the Senate floor as it was was blocked by the Democratic Party.     The two amendments moved along with the Creating American Jobs ..
  • Anti-outsourcing bill blocked in US senate 29/Sep/2010
  • Senate Republicans successfully blocked the passage of an anti-offshoring bill that would have denied tax breaks to US companies which move jobs overseas.     Republicans in a 53-45 vote prevented the bill from overcoming a filibuster. At least 60 votes were needed to overcome the ..
  • Gandhi peace exam to mark international non-violence day 29/Sep/2010
  • Around 22,000 students will take up Gandhi Peace Exam to mark the International Non-violence Day, falling on October 2.     The Bombay Sarvodaya Mandal Gandhi Book Centre along with Majithia College and Esplanade High School on suburban Kandivali will conduct Gandhi Peace Exam on October 1...
  • Common syllabus, test to come up at Central varsity VCs' meet 29/Sep/2010
  • The issue of a common syllabus and a uniform set of rules for all the Central universities are likely to figure prominently at a meeting of the vice-chancellors of these institutions here tomorrow.     A move to hold a common entrance test for all these universities could also be discussed ..
  • One-day national seminar on September 30 29/Sep/2010
  • Issues including emergency evacuation will be discussed at a one-day national seminar on fire safety and security to be held here on September 30.    "Engineering A Safe And Secure India", organised by Fire and Security Association of India (FSAI), would address issues including ..

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