Education News in India

  • Italy keen to work with India in Biotechnology 13/Nov/2010
  • Biotechnology is among the priority sectors in Italy and is looking for bilateral projects with India in this field, Lidia Szpyrkowicz, Scientific Counsellor, Embassy of Italy, New Delhi said. Italy had invited fresh proposals for research collaboration from Indian scientists and researchers working in ..
  • Taking the TOEFL 15/Nov/2010
  • The TOEFL test is the most widely respected English-language test in the world, recognised by more than 7,500 colleges, universities and agencies in more than 130 countries. Before the Test: Plan to arrive at the test centre at least 30 minutes before your specified start time. If you come late, you may ..
  • Education links 15/Nov/2010
  • On his trip to India during the Commonwealth Games, Scotland’s First Minister Alex Salmond announced three Memorandums of Understanding (MoUs) between the prime higher education institutes of the two countries. The new MoUs, which build upon an overarching MoU signed in 2009 between the Association of Indian ..
  • Building a career 15/Nov/2010
  • Since an understanding of shelter is the key to the understanding of a society, with the passage of time the technique of building has taken on the form of a new discipline in education — architecture. Architecture deals with the planning, designing and construction of buildings and structures. The discipline was ..
  • Kids have a blast with Obamas 15/Nov/2010
  • It was the best Diwali gift and we had an amazing experience,” was the universal response of the overwhelmed staff and students of Holy Name School where US President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama spent half-an-hour talking, chatting and dancing with students and shaking hands with their parents.<br ..
  • Autonomy to the IIMs 15/Nov/2010
  • HRD Minister Kapil Sibal has said that a number of steps have been taken to provide autonomy to the IIMs. These include full powers to the Boards to create posts within the approved norms, the freedom to open centres in India and abroad, powers to approve their own budgets and also to manage the funds generated by them. ..
  • Development of future power engineers 15/Nov/2010
  • If you’re looking at a career in the booming electrical power industry, renewable generation and sustainability, the School of Electronics and Computer Science at the University of Southampton (UK) has launched an M.Sc. course in Energy and Sustainability with Electrical Power Engineering. Informed ..
  • Your license to practise 15/Nov/2010
  • Our legal profession finds itself sorely lacking in various areas,” said Gopala Subrahmanyam, Chairman Bar Council of India (BCI), in his letter to students of law talking about the need for the All India Bar Examination (AIBE). There are around 11 lakh registered advocates, 1000 law colleges with five lakh law ..
  • I found my daughter again 13/Nov/2010
  • It was around this time last year that I shut myself off for two months from all work, perhaps for the first time in the last 25 years. I had visited more than 20 residential schools around Delhi, some alone, some with my daughter and some both with my daughter and husband. Many schools were eager to take ..
  • A rose is a rose is a flower 13/Nov/2010
  • “Dyslexic with features of ADHD”, “intellectually deficient”, “severely autistic” and “learning disabled” are labels that the mental health and special education fraternities stamp on children with resolute certainty. But the ramifications of such classifications are ..

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