Education News in India

  • Tripura Science Congress gets underway 9/Sep/2011
  • Two-day long Tripura Science Congress on the theme of 'Tripura We Dream: Science & Technology Interventions' organised by the Tripura State Council for Science & Technology began on Sept 8.   Inaugurating the congress, state science and technology minister Joy Gobinda Debroy said, ..
  • CII, Asia Foundation to distribute books to 25,000 students 9/Sep/2011
  • The Asia Foundation and Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) embarked upon distribution of books to 25,000 students at the primary and secondary levels and also universities in all Southern States and the Union Territory of Puducherry to mark the World Literacy Day.   Students from 400 institutions ..
  • Govt hints at ordinance upgrading stature of IIIT, Kancheepuram 9/Sep/2011
  • With Parliament failing to pass a bill on upgrading the stature of IIIT, D&M Kancheepuram in the monsoon session, the government indicated an ordinance could be brought in as the fate of hundreds of the institute's students hangs in balance.   "I have not spoken to the HRD Minister or to the ..
  • Bihar gets award for literarcy achievement 9/Sep/2011
  • Bihar government received an award from President Pratibha Patil for achieving the highest growth in literacy rate in the country in the last decade.   On the basis of Census-2011, Bihar was appreciated for achieving the highest decadal growth rate in female literacy too. It has achieved a growth of ..
  • Kashmir students on Mumbai visit as part of Operation Sadbhavana 9/Sep/2011
  • A group of 20 students and two teachers from Kashmir visited Mumbai as part of the Army's 'Operation Sadbhavana'.   The programme was conducted by Basantar Air Defence Regiment under the aegis of Chinar Air Defence Brigade.        "The children were ..
  • Students' demonstrate against Private varsity Bill 9/Sep/2011
  • Opposing the Private Universities Bill, which was recently passed by the Maharashtra Legislature, students' organisations held protests accusing the state government of "commercialising" education. The Students Federation of India (SFI) and Democratic Youth Federation of India (DYFI) held ..
  • Country on right track to achieve cent per cent literacy: Prez 9/Sep/2011
  • Noting that the country was on the "right track" to achieve cent per cent literacy, President Pratibha Patil batted for women's education as it was a "force multiplier" in achieving socio-economic development. "Literate women will be self-reliant and beneficial impact on society ..
  • Break barriers of impossibilities: Kalam to students 9/Sep/2011
  • Former President A P J Abdul Kalam asked students to leave the beaten track and undertake tasks that are believed to be impossible. "One can become unique by leaving the beaten track and doing the impossible. Students must strive to become unique," he said at the golden jubilee celebrations of M ..
  • Disease the biggest factor in determining IQ 8/Sep/2011
  • Stay healthy to stay smart, says a new study which has found that disease -- and not education -- is the biggest factor in determining how clever one is. Researchers from the University of New Mexico analysed IQs of people across the US and concluded that exposure to infectious diseases had a huge effect ..
  • VSS Medical College closed sine die following clash 8/Sep/2011
  • VSS Medical College at Burla was closed indefinitely by the Orissa government following a clash between agitating students and local residents that led to imposition of prohibitory orders in and around the campus.   The college has been closed sine die with immediate effect and all students have been ..

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