Education News in India

  • Educate your girls, urges UNICEF ambassador Priyanka 11/Aug/2010
  • Bollywood actress Priyanka Chopra says affluent people often think higher education is not needed for their girls and as the brand ambassador for UNICEF, her top priority will be educating young and underprivileged girls in slums and villages. "I have been unofficially associated with UNICEF since ..
  • India to host Asian science camp 11/Aug/2010
  • Scientists and students from across the world will participate in an Asian Science Camp organized in India for the first time from Aug 17-19, an official said on Tuesday. The Asian Science Camp aims to enlighten talented science students through discussions and dialogue with top scholars of the world.<br ..
  • Centre says no to states seeking full funding for RTE 11/Aug/2010
  • The Centre on Wednesday rejected the demand of states to provide up to 100 per cent funds for implementing Right to Education Act and asked them to contribute to the national mission as they have surplus funds. “Several chief ministers have written to me asking for 100 per cent funds or ..
  • UGC may impose tougher campus norms for private Universities 11/Aug/2010
  • The University Grants Commission (UGC), which regulates higher education, will consider tougher norms for the opening and operation of private universities. A committee set up by the UGC has prepared new regulations saying such institutions need at least five years of standing to be eligible to open a ..
  • Bringing Vocational Education In Big Way ! 11/Aug/2010
  • Human Resource Development Minister Kapil Sibal plans to make vocational education "an important part of secondary education," a Parliamentary panel was told last night. Speaking to the House Consultative Committee on HRD, Sibal said the Ministry was working on a flexible training curriculum so ..
  • New fee structure only from next year 11/Aug/2010
  • The School Education Department has withdrawn its decision to regulate the fees collected by private schools across the State this academic year. The new fee structure prescribed by the committee, formed by the School Education Department, for unaided private schools in the State under the Tamil Nadu ..
  • How textbooks allow space for social biases or writers' prejudices 11/Aug/2010
  • “Ma, I'm hungry,” says Ramu, entering the kitchen. His mother was chopping greens… read the first few lines of a chapter in the class III State Board textbook for environmental science. While the lesson goes on to talk about greens, parts of a plant and so on, in the illustration ..
  • Bangladesh bans corporal punishments in schools 10/Aug/2010
  • Bangladesh today banned corporal punishments in schools after upsurge in such incidents, warning the teachers of legal action if they hand down “inhuman punishments” like canning and beating to pupils. “It has been noticed that teachers of some educational institutions impose inhuman ..
  • Sibal moots strings for distance education 10/Aug/2010
  • To enhance the standard of distance education, the Government today indicated that it was mulling putting in place a regulatory mechanism and bringing changes in the body which coordinates such programmes.   "Regulation is important in distance education. If Distance Education Council gives ..
  • Students attempt to achieve world records in Pondicherry 10/Aug/2010
  • Students of the Achariya World Class Education Institution tried to create a number of records on Sunday, including the longest drawing by an individual, the largest painting made of footprints, the longest cartoon strip by an individual and the longest cartoon strip by a team. They also took part in the ..

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