Education News in India

  • The role of language skills 1/Dec/2009
  • Interviewer: Why don't you tell us something about yourself? Job aspirant: Oh, it's all there in my resume (a copy of which the interviewer is holding). Interviewer: Yes, I know that, but why don't you tell us? Aspirant: Sorry, I did not have time to go through the resume.<br ..
  • A unique institution in the making 1/Dec/2009
  • It was 1958 and the place was Nettur, a small hillock close to Thalassery. Alfred Frikschnecht, a young engineer working with the Swiss Interchurch Aid (HEKS), came to the sleepy town with a mission to provide, free of cost, skill-based technical training to under-privileged youngsters, as a purposeful alternative to ..
  • An education system of global repute 1/Dec/2009
  • Finland (Finnish name Suomi) is a republic with a population of 5.3 million. Capital: Helsinki. Finland is an advanced industrial economy. The Finnish higher education system consists of two complementary sectors—universities and polytechnics, in which the admission requirement is a secondary education diploma, ..
  • Less educated, youth unable to control anger 1/Dec/2009
  • Toronto: Younger people, those with children and less-educated individuals are more likely to experience anger, according to new research. Compared to people with fewer years of education, the well-educated are less likely to experience anger and, when they do, they are more likely to act proactively ..

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