Education News in India

  • Wo(e)men in business 16/Nov/2009
  • Q) What does ‘The International Alliance for Women’s (TIAW) 2009 World of Difference Award’ hold for you? A) It means recognition by an alliance of 55,000 women worldwide of the work we at the ‘Initiative for Women in Business’ are doing to help women advance economically, and in ..
  • The study of diplomacy 16/Nov/2009
  • A scholar and practitioner with wide-ranging experience in multilateral and non-governmental organisations, Paula R Newberg specialises in issues of democracy , human rights, and development in crisis and transition states. She has served as a special advisor to the United Nations in various regions, including multiple ..
  • Europe of knowledge 16/Nov/2009
  • European higher education is currently going through a major transformation involving more than 5600 institutions and 31 million students on the continent. Aimed at supporting mobility within Europe and the rest of the world, the Bologna Process will create, by 2010, a European Higher Education Area through adapting ..
  • Empowering teachers to create learning avenues 16/Nov/2009
  • Teachers need to be empowered to recognise and value what children learn from their home, social and cultural environment and to create opportunities for them to discover, learn and develop,” said K. Vijayalakshmi, principal, Lady Willingdon Institute of Advanced Study in Education. She said that the ..
  • Take care of the MBA syndrome 16/Nov/2009
  • The relevance of Western model of education, though an extensively debated subject, is all set to come to India sooner than later. But the need for reorienting the curriculum of business schools has been stressed by none other than a U.S. business intellectual. In a candid expression of his disenchantment with ..
  • If you know how to handle money 16/Nov/2009
  • Both MBA in Finance and Master of Finance Control (MFC) are suitable options for those who aspire to make a career in finance. But one should always ensure the quality of education, reputation of the institution and placement assistance before taking admission. The Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs) are the ..
  • A beginning made at last 16/Nov/2009
  • The long arm of the law seems to have finally caught the students who were charged with resorting to ragging, a heinous practice of senior students "getting to know of" freshers, in what is arguably the first ever case of conviction under the Andhra Pradesh Prohibition of Ragging Act, 1997, which has been ..
  • Benefits of Raja Yoga highlighted 16/Nov/2009
  • KG College of Arts and Science conducted a Raja Yoga function. Brother Bramahakumari Kalidass in his keynote address explained about the power of mind and how one can strengthen it by undergoing the Raja Yoga regularly. Sister Bramahakumari Anupama shared her experiences in Raja Yoga with the gathering. Faculty members ..
  • Virtual school: fillip to dental education 16/Nov/2009
  • From a classroom with real time models, it is now on to virtual classrooms, computer rooms and libraries. Given that there is a dearth of trained teachers at dental colleges, dentists are looking to use technology to reach out to their peers. At Balaji Dental and Craniofacial Hospital in Chennai last week, a ..
  • They can smile now 16/Nov/2009
  • The summer placement process at the Indian Institutes of Management has been making headlines this month. For those who aren't familiar with this hi-profile process, a summer placement is B-school parlance for finding summer-time internships for first year students of the Post-Graduate Programme in Management. Viewed as ..

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