Education News in India

  • The exam confusion 9/Jan/2012
  • Well into the first week of January, the confusion surrounding medical admissions this year persists. While private colleges have issued the formal schedule for the entrance test conducted by the COMED-K (Consortium of Medical, Engineering and Dental colleges of Karnataka), the State Government is yet to notify its ..
  • Engg. colleges may face heat on proposed fee structure 10/Jan/2012
  • The engineering colleges demand for a fee structure based on their facilities may boomerang on majority colleges in light of the Supreme Court's direction to the government that it workout a common fee structure based on the costs involved from the academic year 2012-13. The directions were based on a SLP ..
  • Short shrift to children's education 10/Jan/2012
  • Interventions aimed directly at children — providing free textbooks, uniforms and addressing out of school children – account only for 6 per cent of the total investment in elementary education. The largest investment — 78 per cent — of the education budget in India is invested in teachers and ..
  • In love with the Queen of Sciences 9/Jan/2012
  • If numbers go on to infinity, then the amazing journey of discovering its intricacies and applications extends even further. This is what has inspired some mathematicians who are pursuing their passion without second thoughts. E. Pramod, an M.Sc Mathematics student at IIT-Madras, for instance did his B...
  • Blossoming IIM-T takes confident strides 9/Jan/2012
  • The eleventh Indian Institute of Management (IIM) in the country, IIM, Tiruchirappalli, recently lowered the curtains on an eventful first year that began with Union Minister for Human Resource Development, Kapil Sibal laying the foundation stone. Functioning from the premises of National Institute of ..
  • A 5Es' strategy for education in Tamil Nadu 9/Jan/2012
  • The State Planning Commission is in the final stages of the preparation of the draft for the XII Five Year Plan under various heads viz., health, industry, agriculture and education. The members of the commission have been involved in conducting stakeholders' meetings at regional levels to get suggestions ..
  • Delving into the world of mathematics 9/Jan/2012
  • Nearly 60 days to go for the most important exams: PU 2! It is that time of the year when tempers run high and frustration sets in and there is one overwhelming emotion among the students and their families — FEAR. Hundreds of thousands of students write the PU exams every year and a majority of them feel a great ..
  • 60 days to go 9/Jan/2012
  • After nearly two years of a tedious routine, the time has come to cross the last hurdle. Examinations are not to be feared at least for one reason: the questions come from your own syllabus! It takes only a few minutes to be mentally prepared. Spend some time immediately to map out topics in each subject into three ..
  • Institutional approach to learn Thavil and Nadaswaram 11/Jan/2012
  • Systematic approach to any study would certainly yield good results, besides making one strong in the basics. In the recent days, getting exponents in Thavil and Nadaswaram for temple functions, marriage and for other functions have become very difficult task.  They are available only on prior ..
  • New study on educated unemployed youth 11/Jan/2012
  • Oxford University is looking out to begin a new study shortly on how young educated people who are unemployed become politicised in different ways - either through violent struggle or as reformers working for a more equal society. The project is one of the first to compare in depth the experiences from ..

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