First-ever semester board exam begins in Gujrat

Updated on: Friday, October 14, 2011

The maiden class XI (science) first semester board exams conducted by the Gujarat Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Board (GSHSEB) commenced on Thursday with over 82,000 students taking the mathematics paper.

Contrary to the expectations of the students that the first semester paper would be an easy one, it turned out to be tough for some who found questions very lengthy. According to the examinees, there was a question wherein all the four choices were incorrect, while two questions left most of them completely flummoxed.

With optical mark-reader system being used, videography was done at all the 89 centres. There was no cheating or irregularity case reported from any centre.

G M Rabari, exam secretary, GSHSEB, said, "We had roped in experts and academicians who said that the question paper was balanced and one that could be completed within two hours. Despite this, we had given the students two-and-a-half hours to complete the paper."

This year, special measures have been taken to ensure that the exams are not marred by mass copying. Only 20 students were allowed to sit in each class instead of 30 in the past. The students had different sets of papers where the questions were the same. A 400-member squad of the board conducted surprise checks at centres to check any malpractice.

Times of India

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