Business school shut down in U.K.

Updated on: Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The Ministry of External Affairs once again swung into action following the closure of yet another teaching establishment in the West, this time in England, on apprehension of immigration fraud.

“The High Commission of India is monitoring the situation closely and would strive to ensure that students are not adversely affected. It is estimated that about 200 Indian students were enrolled with the school,” Ministry of External Affairs spokesperson Vishnu Prakash said on the closure of the London Campus of TASMAC School of Business by the U.K. Border Agency. The outfit is said to have business schools in Bengaluru and Kolkata.

The decision to shut down the campus of the seven-year-old TASMAC is believed to be related to the U.K.'s efforts to tighten norms with respect to tier-4 student visas. The university was offering B.A. (Hons.) and MBA degrees.

Mr. Prakash said the HCI immediately established contact with TASMAC, which has conveyed via an e-mail, that it is working with the University of Wales to transfer the students to other educational institutions, to avoid disruption in their studies.

The HCI has since placed an advisory on its website asking affected Indian students to contact the Mission, for required assistance, if any. So far no student has contacted it. Officials of HCI have visited the TASMAC campus in London and have also sought a meeting with the U.K. Border Agency which should materialise soon, Mr. Prakash added.

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