VIT to initiate institute for USA studies

Updated on: Tuesday, October 11, 2011

With an objective of taking its curriculum development, research and international partnerships to greater heights, VIT will join hands with its U.S. partners and create the USA institute for advanced studies.

Dr. G.Viswanathan, VIT chancellor told the institute will begin on October 18. It will be an umbrella organisation to put curriculum development, teaching and learning, faculty development, fundamental and applied research on a fabulous plane.

Although VIT has more than 115 partners around the world, the USA institute is unique in facilitating the development of multi-institutional partnership involving industry, academia and the governmental agencies in India and the U.S. to promote higher education and research through centers of excellence in various fields.

For the inaugural function, Minister of state for external affairs E. Ahmed will be the chief guest with US consul general to Chennai Jennifer McIntyre as the guest of honour

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