Students should think about gaining work experience

Updated on: Monday, October 10, 2011

It was around this time last year that I left home in Bangalore and began my journey to the UK to study for a MBA at the University of Liverpool. It was a time of excitement, change, and lots of new challenges and difficult decisions. I knew that study in the UK would lead to valuable work experience, but there were also lots of considerations to make about my course of study and living arrangements before I moved away from home.

I was fortunate that there was an excellent student support team at the university, who not only met you at the airport when you arrived in the UK, but offered advice on what to pack in your suitcase, what books to bring, and how to meet people from your own country to help you settle into life in Liverpool. Now, more than 10 months into my studies, I am in a position to pass on what I have learnt about the university to the next generation of students arriving in city for the first time. I was appointed as student ambassador for 2011 and it is my responsibility to advise new students coming to Liverpool from India on what they should expect from their time here.

I am currently getting ready for the University's ‘Meet and Greet' events, where I will be based at local airports to welcome students as they arrive and ensure that they familiarise themselves with campus over the course of their first week. Before students arrive in Liverpool I advise that they pack enough warm clothing to last them the first few weeks of the semester, a travel adapter to suit a UK plug socket, and photocopies of all essential documents, including passport, details of accommodation and their University offer letter, in their hand luggage rather than in their suitcase.

During the first week on campus I recommend that students register for some of the University societies and sports clubs, which are a great way to make new friends. The University caters for everyone's social interests, whether you want to play for the cricket club, join the sky diving team, take part in a theatre production, or learn photography.

It is also important for students to think about work experience opportunities as early as possible so that they make the most of their time at Liverpool.

The university is one of the top 25 most popular UK universities for graduate jobs, and its Careers and Employability Service has excellent links with leading multinational organisations. It offers specific support for international students on developing your CV and advice on applying for jobs anywhere in the world.

I am currently completing an internship, organised by the University's Management School, as a Continuous Improvement Assistant at ALBIS Ltd, a leading distributer of branded products in the UK and Ireland. I hope to continue working in the UK after I graduate and return to India in the future with the skills that I have gained here.

In the current economic environment students have to be highly motivated and dedicated to their course of study, but there is plenty of help and advice on hand for all those pursuing careers after a degree at Liverpool.

Sanjay Bala

Master of Business Administration (General Management), University of Liverpool

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