US Asst Secy of Commerce to lead trade mission to India

Updated on: Saturday, October 08, 2011

In a bid to give boost to Indo-US education ties, American Assistant Secretary of Commerce Suresh Kumar, who is of Indian-origin, will lead a Department of Commerce education-focused trade mission to India from Monday.
The mission, organised in partnership with the US-India Educational Foundation (USIEF), includes representatives from 21 American institutions of higher education and will meet with Indian partners and explore opportunities, a release from the US embassy said today.
"This trade mission reinforces the strong educational ties between India and the US, and advances the shared agenda underscored by the Obama-Singh 21st Century Knowledge Initiative," Kumar said.
The initiative promotes public-private partnerships between institutions of higher learning in both countries, helping foster economic growth and opportunity, he said. The mission will include student fairs and networking events in New Delhi, Chennai and Mumbai, three of the top cities for recruiting Indian students to the US.
Simultaneous with the trade mission, the US-India Higher Education Summit will be held on October 13 in Washington DC, chaired by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Minister of Human Resource Development Kapil Sibal.
The Higher Education Summit will act as a forum for deepening linkages and cooperation and explore how government, universities, and business can collaborate to create innovative and sustained higher education Indo-US partnerships.

In 2010, Indian students constituted the second largest group of international students studying in the US, with nearly 105,000 students.

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