Convergence of sciences inevitable: VC

Updated on: Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Convergence of various branches of studies was inevitable to get new leads to path-breaking knowledge, said Rajan Gurukkal, Vice-Chancellor, Mahatma Gandhi University.

He was laying the foundation stone of the Rs.2.44-crore academic complex for the Institute for Intensive Research in Basic Sciences (IIRBS) at the university. Prof Gurukkal said the university had decided to make forays into the convergence segment by promoting inter-disciplinary studies and research through IIRBS, an initiative under President's Mission Project.

The institute has begun functioning with a five-year integrated MS programme. It has set up links with Vanderbilt University, USA; University of Paris-Sud, France; University of Texas, USA; and University of Pusan, Korea.

Pro-Vice Chancellor Rajan Varughese and IIRBS director I. Ibnu Saud spoke.

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