Comprehensive Evaluation System- a boon to school students

Updated on: Monday, October 03, 2011

With TN govt sugggesting CES in schools from next year, educationists feel that unless the faculties are effectively equipped with right balance and firm protocol set-in for the evaluation pattern, the system would give way to several lapses.

With TN govt sugggesting CES in schools from next year, educationists feel that unless the faculties are effectively equipped with right balance and firm protocol set-in for the evaluation pattern, the system would give way to several lapses.     

Speaking to, Mr. Sathish, Senior Principal of RMK Group of schools reiterates to take only written test marks in to account at the higher secondary level.

He proposed this would avoid unwanted complications and problems of getting into professional studies like medical and engineering.

Q Tell us your opinion about this new proposal of TN government and what are the positive aspects of this proposal?

A Definitely, I welcome this new proposal. Due to this new comprehensive grade system, mainly, students can be free from big load of books on their back and furthermore relieve them from lot of mental stress. By this new system, students need not study the same subjects every term. It is not possible to assess the talent of a student through a single annual exam and no one should be appreciated as state topper just because he/she got a single mark more than others. Because, so many students might have failed to perform well in final exams due to various unexpected reasons even if they had talents.

First, one is the Formative assessment, which consists of 40 marks and second one is Summative assessment (Paper-pen test), which comprises of 60 marks. It is really good on the part of the TN government to bring such an initiative.

According the proposal, classes from 1 to 8th are likely to go with Tri-semesters. But, as an educationist, there should be only 2 semesters for 9th standard and 10th standard. And at the same time, only paper-pen exam marks should be considered for allotting groups in higher secondary level,

Q - In the context of scrapping entrance exams in Tamil Nadu for the admission of professional courses what new methods will be an option for higher secondary education?

A - At first, I appreciate the new semester system (2 semesters per year), proposed by the government in higher secondary level. Generally, students and teachers neglect 11th standard and consider it as a tuition phase for 12th standard. For both the students and teachers, this new semester system will do away with this negligence that has become a routine in the system. However, following the formative assessment in this higher secondary level would not be a problem, but when it comes to entrance for professional course only paper-pen semesters' marks should be taken into account. Only then several set backs coming in the later years could be avoided.

If we calculate formative assessment marks for higher secondary level too, most of the students would improperly get good grades from their teachers to get seats in professional courses. Further, it would emerge as a vicious culture in the later years. In CBSE system, Karnataka and Kerala have implemented this grading system only upto 10th standard and found it successful.

Students could add their higher secondary formative assessment marks in CVs (curriculum vitae) for getting admirable jobs and admissions in prominent domestic and foreign universities.

Q - Do you insist new trainings and practices for teachers to handle the students in this new context?

A Certainly. As teachers are the pillars of education, special effective trainings must be provided. Immediately, the government should take appropriate steps to include adequate measures in teacher training courses like B.Ed and M.Ed. to empower teachers of the future with adequate skills and psychological balance. The teachers should not be provided with excessive freedom as they could be biased over particular students. Instead a strong monitoring committee should be in force to ensure the genuineness of the marks scored by students.

This new process needs to be thoroughly and continuously monitored by higher educational officers like DEO and CEO and also by parents. Regular maintaining of proper documents is must for the success of this initiative.

The success of this new grade system is in the hands of educational department. Otherwise, we would encounter lot of problems.

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