MIT students' grievances can be solved, says V-C

Updated on: Friday, September 30, 2011

After holding “smooth” talks on Thursday with striking students of Madras Institute of Technology, Chrompet, Anna University plans to reopen the institute by October 10.

Anna University Vice-Chancellor P. Mannar Jawahar and registrar S. Shanmugavel held talks with nearly 75 students of MIT for over 3 hours this morning. The students were allowed to air their grievances, and the major demand was more freedom, said Mr. Jawahar. About 90 per cent of their grievances were reasonable and which could be solved immediately and the administration has promised to rectify them as early as possible, he said.

The students had sought better timings for returning to hostel and choice of the classes they wanted to attend. The students could not be granted total freedom, it has to be restricted without affecting their academic pursuits, he said.

According to the students, the university authorities were non-committal about their main demand – changing the present Dean – who is viewed as very strict.

Earlier, the university had planned to open the institute for first and final years on October 3. However, the VC and Registrar will hold a meeting of the heads of the departments of the institute and the Dean on Friday to decide on the opening date which has been tentatively fixed at October 10.

Meanwhile, the students say that the authorities are planning to take severe action if they fail to turn up on the reopening day.

The students, at the moment, are not in a position to give up their primary demand of changing the Dean. Students said they also have learnt that they might have to get signature from the parents on the reopening date that he/she would not participate in strikes hereafter.

The revocation of the suspension of four students has also not been made official, student representatives said.

Meanwhile, an official communication said that all arrears examinations scheduled to be held at MIT campus from September 30 and the ongoing placement drive would be conducted as scheduled earlier.

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