31st Public 5S Certification Programme

Updated on: Wednesday, September 28, 2011

5S has arrested the attention of progressive Indian industrial houses in recent years, and wherever it has been seriously adopted, the results have been dramatic – in areas as important as Cost Reduction, Waste Identification and Control, Safety and Improved Customer Response Time. 5S is the foundational input for all Quality and Lean Initiatives in an organisation, and plays an important role in helping it secure an ISO, TPM or any other such certifications.
This programme is meant for operating managers at the middle and senior levels, with managerial or supervisory responsibilities and accountability for operating results in the areas of Production, Maintenance, Stores, Purchase, QA/QC, Sales, Marketing, Administration, Law, Human Resources, Finance and Accounts.
This programme, the 31st Public 5S Certification Programme, will be organised by The 5S Institute, Mumbai – the world’s first institute dedicated to providing training and implementation assistance in 5S.

The 5S Institute has also implemented 5S in a wide variety of organisations in industries like Steel, Engineering, Chemical, Ceramic, Automobile, Banking, and even in two of the country’s major high courts.

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