Tamil Nadu proposes grading system for Class I-X

Updated on: Wednesday, September 28, 2011

In a major reform in the education system, the TN govt has proposed introduction of grading system for students from Class I to X, besides proposing Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation CCE)in both scholastic and co-scholastic areas.

Accepting a set of recommendations made by Directorate of Teacher Education Research and Training, the government said the new system will be introduced for Class I to VIII in the 2012-13 academic year, with the same being extended to Class IX and X in the subsequent year.
"At the higher secondary level, for the change in curriculum envisaged to yield the intended result and fulfill the objectives of National Curriculum Frame, National Policy on Education and Right to Education, it is necessary to re-examine the need for Board  examinations for Classes 10 and 12," a School Education Department order dated September 19 said.
The government order said CCE comprises both Scholastic and co-scholastic areas and each term of an academic year would have a formative and one summative assessment.
"Formative Assessment is assessment that happens throughout each term. It allows scope for use in a diagnostic and remedial manner. Summative Assessment is conducted at the end of every term. It is blueprint-based, objective, written, inpidual and graded. Each SA would only assess the syllabus covered during that term," it said.
Keeping in with NCERT suggestions, it was proposed to award Grades on a 9 point scale after a Mark-based Assessment in Scholastic areas to avoid unnecessary competition among students and to nullify subjectivity of Examiners, it said.
Indicators for assessing each of the co scholastic areas will be graded on a five Point Scale alone.
"Students will be evaluated in scholastic areas both by Formative and Summative assessments with weightage of 40 and 60 per cent marks respectively,” it said adding the academic year would have three Terms, as at present,or two terms (June- October and November - April), based on the semester pattern followed by Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE).
"The Director of School Education, Director of Elementary Education and Director of Matriculation Schools will implement and monitor CCE in respective schools without lapses,"it said.   

Moreover, trimester pattern will be introduced in all schools from the next academic year and the CCE system will be an integral part of the Trimester system, it said.

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