Restore legislative entry on education to state list in 7th schedule

Updated on: Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The Dravida Kazhagam requested Parliament, legislative assemblies of all states and all political parties to take immediate and effective steps to restore the legislative entry relating to education to the state list in the seventh schedule.
It said exclusive powers of states over education was ensured when the Constitution was adopted in 1950 when it was included in list II as entry 11, subject to entries 63 to 66. Entries 63-65 was on institutions of national importance and
66 on coordination of standards in higher education.
Deletion of entry list 11 of list II and placing it in the concurrent list was a breach of assurance given to states by framers of the Constitution and constitution assembly, it said.
The DK, in a press release here, said Entry 11 was deleted in Emergency from the state list by 42nd amendement. Instead entry 25 list III was modified and education included in it, practially making nil states' powers to legislate on education. The power in

the concurrent list was tantamount to that in the union list and when read with Art254(2), leaves component states at the mercy of the union.
This situation was against the promises of Jawaharlal Nehru and the spirit of the constitution, it said.

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