Views of ministries to be sought on Education Commission: HRD

Updated on: Friday, September 23, 2011

The HRD ministry needs the views of other ministers on education commission announced by PM.

Initiating the process of setting up an Education Commission announced by the Prime Minister in his Independence Day speech, the HRD Ministry will soon seek the views of various Ministries involved in the sector about the proposed body, including on its broad contours.
The Commission will consider all aspects of education in a comprehensive manner and make recommendations for improvements at all levels of education in view of the major changes witnessed over the years in this sector.
"We will soon write to the ministries seeking their views and suggestions as the commission would look into the entire gamut of education including agriculture education, vocational and technical education etc," said a senior HRD Ministry official.
In his speech, the Prime Minister had said that as vocational education and skill development have acquired new importance and considering the "major changes", the government has decided to appoint the commission.
The commission is expected to suggest strategies for the education sector for the next 20 years, the direction in which it should move and areas which need specific focus contributing to the nation building process, the official said.
The suggestions could throw light on structured policies which could stand the test of time in relations to technical, vocation and higher education taking forward the momentum and growth witnessed with the National Policy on Education, 1986, he said.
The commission is also expected to delve deep into the matter of elementary education and how education policies at this level should be designed.

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