Three students expelled for ragging

Updated on: Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Acting tough on an incident of ragging, the Banaras Hindu University (BHU) here has expelled three students for one year for allegedly harassing a junior student.
The students Umashankar Shukla, Rajiv Pandey and Nand Kumar pursuing BAFA at the University have been expelled for one year after taking congisance of the 'Anti-Ragging Committee' report, Rajesh Singh, chairman of college Press, Publicity and Publication (PPP) cell, said.
"They would, however, be allowed to complete their BAFA after the one year expulsion period but would not be given admission for further studies in the BHU," he said.
A third year BAFA student was allegedly ragged by the three students on the night of September 12.
After taking cognisance of the student's complaint, the committee was directed by the college administration to conduct an inquiry and submit a report, he said.
This is the third reported incident of ragging in BHU.

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