Deemed-to-be universities cautioned to follow UGC guidelines

Updated on: Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Chennai: Taking a serious note on the increasing trend of violating the University Grants Commission (UGC) guidelines, the UGC has sent

letters to the Vice-Chancellors and Directors of all deemed-to-be universities.

All these varsities have been told to provide a legal undertaking within a month of receiving the letter that the norms were not being violated.

In its letter to all these deemed to be universities, the UGC has mentioned that deemed universities are not allowed to open and run off-

campus centres/offshore campus centres/establish new departments/start new courses without obtaining specific prior approval of the UGC/

Government of India.

The letter further says, students could be admitted only after the approvals were obtained and submission of proposals could not be guaranteed


Deemed Universities cannot give misleading advertisements in newspapers about constituent units that are not approved, the letter said. Adding

that the advertisements had to mention the constituent units approved by the government under the ambit of the deemed university.

Without getting a prior approval of UGC-AICTE-DEC Joint Committee, the deemed varsities cannot conduct any courses under the distance

mode. Degrees awarded without such approval would not be valid.

Study centres established for counselling or advising could not admit students, the letter said.

The deemed universities, being unitary institutions, are not allowed to affiliate any colleges or institutions, and degrees awarded through such

colleges or institutions would be treated as fake, says the letter.

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