Tension in Osmania campus as police stop students rally

Updated on: Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Tension prevailed at the Osmania University as students clashed with police who prevented them from taking out a rally in support of the demand for a separate Telangana state.
A group of students, raising slogans in support of Telangana, were trying to proceed towards Secretariat as part of the Sakala Janula Samme (strike by all sections of people) when they were stopped by security personnel at the NCC gate near the OU campus, police said.
After the rally was stopped, students resorted to stone-pelting following which police lobbed teargas shells to disperse them, they said. Meanwhile, violence also broke out at the Nizam College in Basheerbagh area after police stopped another group of students trying to take out a rally.
Following this, the students pelted stones at the police personnel and attacked cars parked near the college, police said. However, police resorted to lathi-charged and dispersed them.
"Thirty-seven students were taken into custody. The agitators damaged four cars," Deputy Commissioner of Police (Central Zone) Akum Sabarwal said. Hyderabad Police have already imposed prohibitory orders banning meetings, rallies and processions in the city.

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