Basic amenities to all schools by November: Uttarakhand govt

Updated on: Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Acting under a Superme Court order, the Uttarakhand government directed officials to speed up efforts for providing basic amenities like water, toilet and electricity to 17,142 schools by November.
The direction was issued by Chief Secretary Subhash Kumar to all officials concerned, the state government said in a release. During a review meeting, Kumar was told that the work to provide drinking water to 916 schools was underway while toilets were being constructed in 625 schools.
Regarding electrification of schools, he directed Additional Secretary School Education Subardhan that Uttarakhand Power Corporation Limited (UPCL) should be given funds at the rate of Rs 3,000 per school for the purpose. The Supreme Court has directed the Uttarakhand government to provide basic amenities to all schools in the state.

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