Annual Celebration

Updated on: Saturday, September 17, 2011

September 15 saw the graduation ceremony of International Institute of Hotel Management, Kolkata, and Edinburgh Naplier University, Edinburgh, UK, and annual convocation of IIHM students, at GD Birla Sabhagar. The event started with the procession of the IIHM staff, followed by the national anthem of India and United Kingdom, after which the annual convocation was declared open.

As the students received their degrees one after the other, and the staff, along with the vice-principal gave their speech, they all had pride in their eyes for producing the wonderful passing batch of 2008-11. Each and every one of them hoped for all the students to shine high out in the world and make them prouder. Scotland has the largest population of Indian students, studying there. IIHM is also being opened in other parts of India – in Pune and Bangalore; they have set up their institute in Thailand as well. The IIHM has also got along with Debra University at The United States of America, where students can complete their fourth year of college, after completing the first three years at IIHM.

However, the concluding point of the event was with a quote of Rabindranath Tagore’s “Where the mind is without fear…” and with hearty congratulations to each and every graduate, wishing them all the luck for their further life. The closing ceremony ended once again with the procession of the staff members of IIHM.

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