SRM varsity launches dual degree course

Updated on: Monday, July 06, 2009

SRM University has been working hard to provide opportunities for international exposure to students. The university has introduced a dual degree programme which involves a student working for two different university degrees in tandem, either at the same institution or at different institutions, may be in different countries, completing them in less time than it would take to earn them separately. The two degrees might be in the same subject area or in two different subjects.

The dual degree concept is more popular in European Union, as the gaining of qualifications from more than one country is seen as an advantage in the European labour market. India, after opening its higher education to private players, is seeing a growth in the dual degree programmes with foreign universities.

SRM adopts three models in structuring their dual degree programmes: 3+1 model for bachelors-masters combination, 3+2 model for bachelors-masters combination and 1+1 model for masters-mastersc combination.

In 3 + 1 model presently working with Warwick University, the students have to study 3 years at SRM at bachelors level and one year at Warwick studying at masters level. By the end of their third academic year, which will be in May, and before going to Warwick in end of September, the students will be put on a fast track course to fulfill the entry requirements of the masters programme as per the curriculum mapping agreed to in the articulation agreement.

The students take up modules of the masters programme and two projects, one for the bachelors degree and other for the masters degree. At the end of the fourth year and on successful completion of all the modules and projects the students will be awarded the bachelors degree of SRM and masters degree of Warwick, simultaneously.

In 3 + 2 model, the students study three years at SRM at bachelors level, fourth year at the partnering university at bachelors level. On completion of the fourth year, the credits earned in the partnering university is transferred to SRM and accounted for the credit requirements of B.Tech, and SRM awards the bachelors degree.

The bachelors degree meets the entry requirements for the masters programme of the partnering university and on successful completion of the fifth year at the partnering university the students get the master degree in the chosen field of specialization from the partnering university abroad.

In both the above models, SRM awards its B.Tech degree only at the end of the fourth year and on successfully fulfilling all the credit requirements of the bachelors degree.
In 1+1 model which is applicable for the maters programme, the students study the first year of their maters at SRM and the final year at the partnering university. There will be mutual credit transfer and at the end of the second year, on successful completion of the programme, the students receive two masters degree—one from SRM and other from the partnering university.

The Dual degree programme with IMI, Switzerland is a unique model wherein the students in addition to pursuing studies in IMI, they also undergo a paid internship for a period of six months.

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