NASA unveils giant new rocket design

Updated on: Thursday, September 15, 2011

The design for NASA's newest behemoth of a rocket harkens back to the giant workhorse liquid rockets that propelled men to the moon. But this time the destinations will be much farther and the rocket even more powerful.
The Obama administration will unveil its much-delayed general plans for its rocket design, called the Space Launch System, which will cost about USD 35 billion, according to senior administration sources and information obtained by The Associated Press. It will carry astronauts in a capsule on top and start test launching in six years.
The size, shape and heavier reliance on liquid fuel as opposed to solid rocket boosters is much closer to Apollo than the recently retired space shuttles, which were winged, reusable ships that sat on top of a giant liquid fuel tank, with twin solid rocket boosters providing most of the power.
It's also a shift in emphasis from the moon-based, solid-rocket-oriented plans proposed by the George W Bush administration.
"It's back to the future with a reliable liquid technology," said Stanford University professor Scott Hubbard, a former NASA senior manager who was on the board that investigated the 2003 space shuttle Columbia accident.
NASA figures it will be building and launching about one rocket a year for about 15 years or more in the 2020s and 2030s, according to senior administration officials who spoke on the condition of anonymity because the announcement was not yet made. The idea is to launch its first unmanned test flight in 2017 with the first crew flying in 2021 and astronauts heading to a nearby asteroid in 2025, the officials said. From there, NASA hopes to send the rocket and astronauts to Mars, at first just to circle, but then later landing on the Red Planet, in the 2030s.
At first the rockets will be able to carry into space 77 tons to 110 tons of payload, which would include the six-person Orion  Multi-Purpose Crew Vehicle capsule and more.

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