Hall DRoyal

Updated on: Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Pradyut Bordoloi, minister for industries and commerce, power and public enterprises, Government of Assam, inaugurated the D’Royal Colloquium seminar hall on September 9, 2011 at Royal Group of Institutions (RGI), Betkuchi. It was built in memory of Sampat Pansari, elder brother of chairman A K Pansari. Also present were Dr Devdutt Pattanaik, Pansari, vice chairman A K Modi and a host of guests, faculty members and students. Bordoloi and Pattanaik were welcomed at RGI by students and felicitated with bouquets, ‘phulam gamuchas’ and mementos.

Bordoloi said, “Modern education is the main parameter for the growth of a knowledge based society. India will have the largest population of young people in the world by 2020 and we need to groom the young population.”

An interactive session was organised with Pattanaik, from 2.00 to 4.00 PM. at the newly inaugurated D’Royal Colloquium with members of the corporate world of Guwahati and faculty and staff members of RGI. In his interactive session, he said that while individuals and organisations alike feel that India is different, most fail to define this difference. “We are different because we are the only part of the world that believes in rebirth. The rest of the world believes that there is only one life to lead and is in a hurry to make the most of it. The implication of this subconscious thought makes Indians comfortable with diversity. We breathe diversity and have grown up with it,” he said. He dealt with organisational issues in terms of Indian Mythology and the teachings of mythologies.

Pattanaik would like to see a shift in focus from a purely monetary approach to one that is holistic. If organisations focused their energies on growth, money will inevitably come their way. An organisation has to grow emotionally, intellectually and materially. And when organisations grow on all planes, there is a true sense of achievement, believes Pattaniak. “Myths are subjective truths expressed through stories, symbols and rituals. I help people leverage the power of these truths in business, management and life,” he said.  

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