More youngsters opt for teaching career

Updated on: Monday, September 05, 2011

Gone are those days when teaching was considered a low-paying profession. With the increase in number of educational institutes and the implementation of the Sixth Pay Commission's recommendations, it is increasingly becoming popular among youngsters, experts say.

According to M.V. Lakshmi Reddy of the Indira Gandhi National Open University's School of Education, the scenario has witnessed a sea change over the past few years.

"Since the coming of the Sixth Pay Commission in 2006, salary packages have become hefty, which are attracting youngsters. And the job hours are quite comfortable, unlike corporate sectors. And among youngsters, it is girls who are more interested in this profession," said Reddy.

However, Reddy laments the lack of professionalism and commitment among the new recruits.

"In earlier days, people were committed to the cause of imparting education, but nowadays, young people are after money. They enter education industry to only earn money, where you get paid an initial salary of Rs.30-35,000 per month. Even people who do their MBA are not getting this much amount," added Reddy.

Namita Ranganathan, from Delhi University's Department of Education, opines that it is not only the Sixth Pay Commission which is attracting the youth, but also "resurrection of faith in teaching as profession".

"There is no stability in a call centre, whereas in teaching, the job stability factor is there. Despite having vocational degrees, people are opting for teaching. There is a social prestige attached to this job," said Ranganathan.

Chaman Khan, in his mid-20s, who is pursuing his B.Ed from Jamia Millia Islamia told, "The population is increasing day by day and education is the basic need of any society. The are many more avenues in teaching, which were not there earlier. Apart from government institutes, new private education institutes have come up. Salaries are comparatively better than earlier".

Ritu Singh, a 25-year-old electronic media professional, wants to become a lecturer as she thinks that that there is intellectual growth in this profession.

"You grow intellectually with this job. You cannot go on a sabbatical in a private job, can you? I am taking my M.Phil exam next year and I hope get through," added Singh, who lives in Delhi.

However, Nazma Amin, head of the Department of Educational Studies of Jamia Millia Islamia, believes that there in no change in the outlook of people towards the teaching profession.

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