Sibal bats for edu system free from political interference

Updated on: Monday, September 05, 2011

HRD Minister Kapil Sibal batted for an education system that is free from political interference and policies that had support of all sections.

"The difficult point is when we talk about education, politics creeps in. If there is one area where policies must be consensual and based on everybody's support, it is in the area of education because the future of the nation is actually built in the classroom," he told an award function here to honour teachers on the eve of Teachers Day.
He said the need of the hour is dialogue and emergence of consensus and cooperation on all important issues especially in the field of education to meet the challenges of 21st century.
The minister advocated an overhaul of the classroom teaching system where teachers have more responsibility to groom students and develop a sense of "inquiry" among them.
"Teacher should prepare classroom teaching accordingly where the sense of inquiry of a child is satisfied," he said.
He emphasised on the need for developing harmonious relations between teachers and students where both listen to each other.
As many as 17 CBSE teachers and principals were awarded at the function by Sibal who said more and more teachers especially in interior and remote areas should aim for such awards.

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