Govt directed to notify free & compulsory education rules

Updated on: Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Karnataka High Court directed the government to notify Karnataka Right to Free and Compulsory Education Rules within two months.
When the PIL filed by a Bangalore-based teacher Susheela and an NGO came for hearing before Chief Justice J S Khehar and Ashok B Inchegiri, the court after taking a serious note of the delay in notification of the said rules by the state government, directed the government advocate to take instruction from the government and report to the court.
When the matter was taken up after an interval of 15 minutes, the government advocate submitted that rules will be notified within a month.
The court however, granted two months time to the government to notify the said rules.
The Right to Free and Compulsory Education Act came into force on April 1, 2010. Despite the state government framing the draft rules way back in June 2010, the rules were not notified.

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