CM defends opening of private universities

Updated on: Monday, August 29, 2011

Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister P. K.Dhumal defended the opening of private universities in the state and said these have been opened under the Act passed by previous the Congress government in 2006.
He asked Congress members to refrain from “double speak” and politicizing the issue.
Replying to a discussion initiated by the Leader of the Opposition, Vidya Stokes, Harshvardhan and Kuldeep Singh Pathania (Congress) regarding the functioning of private universities, Dhumal questioned the moral right of Congress members to raise the issue.
The BJP government had not given any land to any private university while Congress government had allotted 45 bighas of government land to Amity University in Kangra district, he said.
Dhumal reminded the Congress members of the statement of Union HRD Minister Kapil Sibal that 1000 more universities were required in the country and asked whether they subscribe to the views of the party central leader or have become
Dhumal said the private universities would be opened only in Mandi, Bilaspur, Chamba and Kullu districts where no private university has been set up so far and said Himachal was first state in the country to constitute the regulatory commission and made a provision for fine upto Rs 5-crore for violation of norms.

Having a dig at Congress members, Dhumal said 72 private B.Ed colleges were opened during the Congress rule while only 24 new colleges were allowed by BJP government.
Referring to the fees being charged in an allegedly arbitrary manner, Dhumal said it was other way round and the universities opened during Congress rule were charging exorbitant fees while a reasonable fee structure has been put in place for new private universities coming up in the state.
Initiating the debate, Stokes said the private universities were mushrooming in the state sans qualified faculty, charging exorbitant fees and running courses without the approval of the UGC.

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