Cabinet approves free education for kids

Updated on: Friday, July 03, 2009

New Delhi: The Right to Education Bill, a major move to make education a fundamental right for every child between the ages of six and 14 years, was cleared by the Union cabinet on Thursday. It’s slated to be introduced in parliament during the current session. If the bill is passed, one of the longest awaited political promises will have been honoured.
The first UPA government spent five years discussing it in various committees. By the time it was finalised, the bill could not be introduced in the Rajya Sabha.

If the bill becomes law, it will empower the seven-year-old 86th constitutional amendment that makes free and compulsory education a fundamental right. The bill sets down guidelines for states and the Centre to enforce this right. Earlier, education was part of the directive principles of state policy. Both the Centre and states will be responsible for the finances. The Centre will determine the capital and recurring expenditure, and provide it as grants-in-aid to states from time to time.



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