100 Pak students in US on undergraduate exchange program

Updated on: Sunday, August 14, 2011

As many as 100 students from Pakistan have arrived in the US on an undergraduate exchange programme, which is part of the Obama Administration's effort to increase people to people contact between the two countries especially with the youths of Pakistan.
Launched in Fall 2010, Global Undergraduate Exchange Programme in Pakistan (Global UGRAD-Pakistan) provides a substantive exchange experience at a US college or university for a perse group of Pakistani students.
Participants will engage in one semester of non-degree study in the US, the State Department said.
Half of the 200 participants arrived in August 2011 for the Fall Semester and the second half will arrive in January 2012 for the Spring 2012 semester.
The programme has doubled from 100 participants last year to 200 this year.
The Fall 2011 Global UGRAD-Pakistan Fellows are placed at more than 53 accredited two- and four-year higher education institutions in over 31 states, including 19 institutions hosting participants for the first time this year.
Participants also take part in local community service projects, engage in cultural enrichment activities on and off campus, and complete an American Studies course, it said.
The Global UGRAD-Pakistan programme is a part of the Department of State-sponsored Global Undergraduate Exchange Programme, a scholarship programme for approximately 600 students from the Western Hemisphere, East Asia and the Pacific, the Near East and South Asia, and Eurasia and Central Asia.
Students take part in an orientation before departing for either one semester or one academic year of non-degree study at colleges and universities across the US, the State Department said.

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