Kerala cabinet approves General Education Policy

Updated on: Saturday, August 13, 2011

The Kerala Cabinet approved a comprehensive general education reform package to resolve issues and problems of teachers in government and government aided-schools in the state.
Under the package, over which government would incur an expenditure of Rs 264 crore, problems of 10,000 teachers who had not been receiving salaries for the past few years, either due to fall in number of students in schools or unrecognised appointments, would be settled, Chief Minister Oommen Chandy told reporters after a cabinet meeting.
"Government will from this academic year recognise appointment of 2,920 teachers who were working without salaries in aided schools. They will get their salaries from the date of joining service," he said.
Similarly, more than 4,500 teachers who lost jobs due to fall in number of students would be reinstated, he said. 

The package would be implemented by merging the same with Central government schemes, which would see state expenditure come down to Rs 6.88 crore per year, Chandy said.
The new package, he said, would ensure private aided- school managements does not make appointments or create new posts in their schools without prior government sanction.
"We are not taking away any rights of private managements. But they cannot make any further appointments without the concurrence of the government," Chandy said.

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