Branch suggestor to help engineering aspirants

Updated on: Wednesday, August 03, 2011

The stage is set for the final phase of engineering admissions and students are raking their heads to choose the right course in the web counselling. Despite the advice from experts, teachers, seniors and friends, majority of them are never sure of what they should study, or what suits their intellect.

Here is some help for such students. A website started by a young US-educated engineer promises to provide the right guidance to students in choosing the branch based on their skills and interests. “, is a virtual career counsellor and is also India's first online ‘Branch Suggestor' for engineering aspirants,” says Suruchi Wagh, Founder and CEO of She has a Masters from USC, California.

“Herd mentality makes students take up a branch based on popularity and ‘scope', and not on personal interests. ‘Branch Suggestor' assists students in branch selection via scientific evaluation of their personality and thus guides them into a suitable career,” says Ms. Suruchi. Students can simply take the online personality test to understand the most suitable branch based on their skills and interests. The branches covered include traditional ones like Mechanical and popular like Computer Science, apart from niche branches like Textile, IT and Industrial.

“This online tool is a product of extensive research by psychometric analysts and engineers from top engineering colleges. It was optimised based on a survey of several hundred successful engineering students,” claims Ms. Suruchi. “Parents now need to realise that there is scope in every branch, and a student simply needs to choose the one that matches his personal skills and interests.”

‘Branch Suggestor' tool prompts students to answer a set of questions based on real life situations to assess their personality and engineering inclinations.

Students can see their progress after each set, and even save their progress at each set to come back and finish the test later. Advanced psychometric models created by are run on the answers and personalised suggestions are given to students.

The psychometric test can be given online anytime at student's comfort and the 60 questions take only around 10 minutes for completion.

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