IESD has potential to become centre of excellence: BHU V-C

Updated on: Friday, July 29, 2011

The Institute of Environment and Sustainable Development (IESD) should emerge as a centre of excellence in dealing with issues of environment and sustainable development, said vice-chancellor, Banaras Hindu University, D P Singh on Thursday.
He was addressing a gathering while inaugurating a three-day workshop on 'national aquatic animal - Ganga river dolphin', being jointly organised by the IESD and Centre for Environment Education (CEE).

A poster designed by CEE (north) urging people to propagate the 'save Ganga dolphin campaign' was also released by the BHU V-C on the occasion.

The inauguration of the workshop also coincided with first annual day celebrations of IESD.
Singh also said that the institute should come up with its own calendar (list of programmes and activities for the year). "It should not be a mere centre for imparting teaching and research but should strive to acquire a leadership role in the area of environment and sustainable development," he added on the occasion.

Senior programme director, CEE, M J Ravindranath said, "The BHU has always played an active role in promoting educational programmes and with CEE partnering the institution, new opportunities would be created to come up with more effective programmes."
IESD director A S Raghubanshi traced the history of the development of institute and highlighted the forthcoming activities on the occasion.

Besides the faculty members, 30 members from NGOs representing various states in the country are participating in the workshop.

BHU rector B D Singh, dean of students A R Tripathi, CEE (north) regional coordinator Preeti Kannojia and organising secretary Kavita Shah were also present on the occasion.

Times of India

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