Indian families spend more on kids education

Updated on: Friday, July 29, 2011

According to a recent NSSO survey report on spending patterns of households, Indian families invest heavily on their children's education and spend more on healthcare at the cost of basic needs like food.

The survey revealed that between 1999 and 2009, expenditure on food increased by about 70% among rural families and 78% among urban ones., however expenses on education jumped up by as much as 378% in rural areas and 345% in urban areas.

Even after correcting for inflation, the expenditure on education increased by a phenomenal 162% in rural areas and 148% in urban areas during the decade.

In 2004-05, when the previous such survey was carried out, 40% of rural and 57% of urban families said that they were spending on education. The latest survey records a big jump in these numbers - 63% of rural and 73% of urban families were getting their children educated.

Expenditure on health too has shown a considerable increase though not as much as education.

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