CP talks tough on ragging

Updated on: Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Commissioner of Police J. Purnachandra Rao has warned students against taking the Anti-Ragging Law lightly. Those indulging in ragging would attract legal action including imprisonment which would threaten their career.

Participating in an Anti-Ragging Awareness meeting organised by the Department of Dean- Student Affairs at the Convocation Theatre of Andhra University here on Monday, the Police Commissioner has called upon the students to be more career-conscious and not indulge in activities which jeopardised their career and future.

He expressed happiness at the dwindling cases of ragging and the dawning of realisation among the students on its adverse impact on the student community.

He revealed that policemen in mufti were being posted in colleges to keep a lookout for ragging-related activity.


If cases were registered against students relating to ragging, it would even come in the way of issuing passports to the students.

Senior Civil Judge and Secretary of District Legal Services Authority M. Venkataramana advised the students to think twice before indulging in ragging as it would cost them their career and future.

Teasing and harassment of co-students amounted to ragging. These actions attracted legal punitive measures including prosecution and imprisonment, he added. Deriving sadistic pleasure from ragging is an unhealthy trend and this should be countered by all the concerned. In-Charge Vice-Chancellor of Andhra University S.V. Sudhakar spoke against the evil of ragging.

He expressed happiness that no ragging-related cases were reported during the past two years.

Hundreds of students from Arts, Science, Law and Engineering colleges attended the awareness meeting.

Principals of Arts and Commerce College and Ambedkar College of Law, M. Krishna Kumar and A. Rajendra Prasad respectively, Principal of AU College of Engineering G.S.N. Raju and University Registrar PVGD Prasada Reddy were among those who spoke.

Dean-Student Affairs Venkata Rao welcomed the gathering while AU professor G. Nageshwar Rao proposed vote of thanks.

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