DU gearing up to check ragging

Updated on: Thursday, July 21, 2011

At a meeting of the Proctorial Board of Delhi University attended by Delhi Police and university officials ahead of the new academic session starting this Thursday, a number of measures were decided on to maintain discipline and prevent ragging in the university and its colleges.

Colleges have been asked to strictly adhere to the Ordinances XV-B, XV-C and XV-D pertaining to the maintenance of discipline, prohibition and punishment for ragging and policy against sexual harassment. The Supreme Court judgment on ragging is to be enforced and students and parents have been asked to provide affidavits to the effect. The university will set up two joint control rooms at the North Campus and South Campus which can be contacted at 27667221 and 24119832 respectively from July 21.

Colleges have been asked to restrict the entry of outsiders and to prominently display rules relating to the prohibition of ragging, extra vigil is to be maintained at all eating joints in the university and disciplinary squads have been formed in all colleges to monitor ragging. Regular and unannounced inspection of hostels will be conducted to prevent unauthorised entry or stay in hostels. Guests will not be allowed to stay in hostels during the initial weeks of the new academic session.

Mobile patrolling has been introduced to monitor any incidents of ragging. Police pickets will be placed outside every college and women's colleges will be provided with special assistance. Police assistance can be sought if the situation warrants direct intervention. Station House Officers have been authorised to take direct action against those who deface walls.

The Delhi Police will regulate traffic and safety at various sensitive locations of the university and may also control entry through gates and barricades if necessary. Women police in plain clothes will be deployed in the university and also outside the premises of each college.

Students have been advised not to bring their own vehicles to the university since parking of vehicles outside colleges can cause congestion. Visitors can park their vehicles in the parking lot at Gate number 11 on Chhatra Marg in the university.

If there are complaints related to ragging, a written complaint can be dropped in the complaint box at individual colleges, the round-the-clock national anti-ragging helpline number can be contacted at 1800-180-5522, the joint control rooms can be informed and the nearest PCR can be reached by dialling 100. Complaints via email can be sent to [email protected]. Those held guilty of ragging may be punished by suspension, expulsion or cancellation of degree and other penal action.

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