Can not reverse decision on English as a medium: Goa govt

Updated on: Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Notwithstanding the strong opposition and protests, Goa government today stated before the High Court that it would be "unreasonable" to reverse its decision to grant recognition to English as a Medium of Instruction (MOI) in state-funded schools.
In an affidavit, the state government has said that 90 per cent of the students have opted to switch to English medium, giving up Konkani or Marathi as a medium.
State Education Director, Celsa Pinto, told the court that at this stage, to revert to Konkani or Marathi in the present academic year would be "unreasonable".
English was recognised as the third MOI, in addition to Konkani and Marathi, in June this year. But the decision has faced a lot of opposition, from those who fear that it would lead to decline of Marathi and Konkani.
The High court was today hearing a Public Interest Litigation on the issue.
Pinto's affidavit also says that issue of availability of additional books (which would be needed because of students switching to English) was discussed in the cabinet meeting, and the books would be available by August 10, 2011 to all the students.
The affidavit also claims that transition to English would not be difficult for the students of standard 1st and 2nd, as English is already one of the mandatory subjects for them.

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