Build your own MBA

Updated on: Monday, July 18, 2011

These days, universities across the world are going back to the drawing board to personalise Master's programmes in business. Diptiman Dewan reports

Many MBA aspirants face the issue of having to settle for MBA programmes which do not offer the subjects, majors, or programme durations that is suited to their individual requirements. These days, however, universities across the world are going back to the drawing board to personalise Master's programmes in business.

One such university is the Athens University of Economics and Business (AUEB) in Athens, Greece, which has done away with the 'one-size-fits-all' MBAs in a bid to enable it to meet specific needs and goals of each individual student.

Gregory P Prastacos, dean, Athens University of Economics and Business, explains the advantages: "Focusing on the individual rather than on what can be taught means that students are not only satisfied, but get much more mileage from the time and money spent in business schools. They also face better career prospects, since they can stand out better in the global job market amongst the sea of
undistinguishable MBA graduates."

In this flexible programme, students can choose from a range of options available to them. These include flexible study options, where students can choose a full or part-time course over a period of 14 to 24 months, and choose from a range of major-subjects and electives — over 50 courses are offered each year in five majors. The university has a flexible capstone requirement (capstone course is an opportunity for students to show that
they have achieved the goals for learning established by their educational institution and major department) either through fieldstudy projects, personal business projects, CSR projects, academic dissertations, internships, or simply additional electives.

Besides, the university offers students a personal skill-development ( PSD) programme to develop individual skills through a series of workshops, which are conducted after an initial personality assessment of the student. There are oneon-one career coaching and industrial training programmes (ITP) under which corporates offer courses and seminars to students on practical issues like 'How to Successfully Develop a Business Plan,' which is offered by McKinsey & Company; 'Project Financing' offered by Ernst & Young, etc, and company days are arranged with global corporate leaders for greater corporate exposure for students. The aim, as Prastacos says is to provide students a holistic learning experience in ways that are best suited to their needs.

The personalised MBA allows students to choose a full or part-time course over a period of 14 to 24 months

Times of India

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