University shut, residents flee Nigerian city over sect attack

Updated on: Friday, July 15, 2011

Thousands fled the Nigerian city of Maiduguri and a local university was shut indefinitely due to a threat from Boko Haram, an Islamic sect responsible for several killings in the city.
The closure was proactive and students have been advised to stay at home, Spokesman of the institution, Ahmed Mohammed, said.

A letter was received earlier by the university authorities asking them to close the institution or risk attacks.
As soon as the announcement was made by the school spokesman, students packed their belongings and left the campus.
Boko Haram, an Islamic fundamentalist group which has been carrying out series of attacks on politicians, police and army, was blamed for the attack.
Bomb explosions which have claimed several lives in northern states and Abuja, the federal capital territory have been linked to the group.
The group is against Western education and wants to install an Islamic sharia rule in the oil rich African country.

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