Few opt to study in state colleges after Class X

Updated on: Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Students from outside Maharashtra may be attracted to the city’s degree colleges in large numbers, but at junior college level, the numbers are falling every year. Applications from outside the state ran into a few thousands a couple of years ago, but fell below 1000 this year. Academicians claim the long process and uncertainties over policies may have forced many to stay away from the colleges in the state.

Last year, 1,275 students applied from outside Maharashtra, this year it has gone down to 917. Students applying in Mumbai from other boards excluding ICSE and CBSE also have gone down from 754 to 494 this year. Principals from city colleges blame it on the long process of online admissions.

Manju Nichani, principal of KC College, Churchgate, said, “The process has become very long in the last twothree years. The colleges here began as late as August and then students are not sure about securing admissions after the long wait. So the numbers must be falling. Also, they are too young at junior college level to move out of their states.” Kirti Narain, principal of Jai Hind College, Churchgate, said, “The state’s policies have not been consistent in the last few years. There is a lot of uncertainty in admissions to junior colleges. There are domicile issues if students want to pursue their higher education here,” said Narain.

Another principal said students who come from outside the state now could be only those whose parents have been transferred here. The education department, however, has not analysed figures of candidates from outside Maharashtra state. “The numbers have fallen, but we can’t attribute it to any particular reason,” said an official.

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