GCW girls take top 3 slots in BA-II

Updated on: Monday, July 11, 2011

After Panjab University declared BA second-year results on Sunday, Government College for Women was on cloud nine, as all the top three positions in the city have been bagged by its students. Upneet Kaur has secured the first rank in city with 82.25%, Arneet Kaur second with 81.3% and Poonam third with 81.06%.

Upneet, a resident of Gurdev Nagar, said, ''I am very happy... my hard work has paid off.''

The deputy head girl of the college also likes participating in co-curricular activities. ''I have been

winning the intra-college quiz competition since two years.'' About her success mantra, she said, ''I try to understand my lessons well and avoid cramming. Besides the prescribed texts, I read other books too and search the internet to enhance my knowledge of a particular subject.''

Of the five subjects,

she has scored the highest in political science (164 of 200).

Fond of reading and travelling, Upneet aspires to join Indian foreign services.

For Arneet, a resident of Model Town Extension, it's like a dream come true. ''I had worked hard for the exams. Of the five subjects, I have scored the most in home science (189 of 200). When tired of studying, I would turn on the music as it destresses me. And I never compromised with my eight-hour sleep.'' She added: 'I was the PU topper in BA first year.'

Third-ranker Poonam said, ''I worked sincerely to score a good percentage. My teachers and parents supported me and guided me. Without them, the achievement wouldn't have come my way.''

Times of India

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