Bio-Technology not favoured among students

Updated on: Wednesday, July 06, 2011

It is common for students to avoid a particular course in every counselling season. This year, students have shown less interest on opting Bio-Technology course.

In 2011 engineering counselling, large number of students opt for traditional courses, like, mechanical, civil and electrical and electronics.

As Bio-Technology is an important research field at par with medical stream, avoiding it, is a matter of concern. It seems that students have lost interest to pursue research acivities.

The civil engineering course was receptive for a while and in the same manner computer science course was at the top position among students for another season. Trends seem to change with more students opting for mechanical engineering course now.

The courses like, automobile, electronics and instrumentation, aeronautical have taken the back seat.

This time, mechanical engineering course fills the mind of the students as favourable one.

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